Tuesday, March 5, 2019

The Beginning

   Lee Lee has been a fun character to paint. He is always getting into little adventures and learning new things. Having three legs never crosses his mind or holds him back. Being different makes us unique and beautiful.

    My art consist of mixed media, bright colors, contrast and choosing the right medium for the desired outcome of what I am creating. For Lee Lee using watercolor helped bring out his playful side while outlining colors with black ink on watercolor paper.  The white space left around the figures help highlight and draw the attention to the scene. The bold colors and simplistic structure of Lee Lee are eye catching and full of fun.

1 comment:

  1. This week we have had the pleasure to visit John McIntire Elementary and Mid-East Pre-K. It's beautiful to see al the joy and happiness this book has brought to everyone. Witnessing all the children's drawings of Lee Lee and doing art with the kids has been so special to me. Creative minds at work inspires me to keep on painting myself. Sharing my love of art and the spirit of Lee Lee in these book have been a moving experience. Thank you everyone for all you support and kind words. They echo loudly and are much appreciated.
